Tokyo Station was completed on December 14, 1914. The majestic station building with two giant domes on each side a facade that is 334.5 meters long was a national project constructed with an enormous budget over a period of six-and-a-half years based on the designs of Kingo Tatsuno, the foremost Japanese architect of the time. The biggest characteristic of the preservation and restoration work undertaken on the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Station Building—now reborn after a century—is that the endeavor involved restoration rather than reconstruction. To restore the station to the way it looked when it was first constructed, materials and construction techniques employed at the time have been used. One example is the red bricks that are regarded as a symbol of the Marunouchi Station Building. Ingenuity in design has been incorporated to blend the differences in color between bricks preserved from a hundred years ago with modern bricks without looking out of place. In addition, while the roof has been tiled with a configuration of natural slate and copper sheeting, based on old photographs from when the building was first constructed, it was determined that the natural slate was all tiled using the Dutch-lap method, and this was also restored to its original state. The center part of the roof was tiled with the same slate from Ogatsu in Miyagi Prefecture that was used during the original construction. In this way, the Tokyo Station Marunouchi Station Building was restored with attention to the finest details. This figure recreates the area from the Marunouchi Central Exit to the Marunouchi North Exit. With this figure in hand, why not visit the real thing and take the time to view the station building in all its splendor?
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
Ueno Station opened in 1883 and observed its 130th anniversary in 2013. The original form of the current station building was the third-generation station building constructed in 1932, which has been used with care through various extensions and renovations undertaken over the years. For this reason, every corner inside the station evokes images of the Showa era. At the covered walkway on the second floor of Atre Ueno Retro Hall, located on the left after exiting the central ticket gates, the design featuring pillars and ceiling reliefs can be seen. The vast interior is also dotted with paints and statues. For example, a large mural pained directly above the central ticket gates is a work by Genichiro Inokuma. The mural depicts ten stories themed after the sights and scenery of northern Japan associated with Ueno Station, which is known as the gateway to the north. Of course, Ueno is not just a station. A brief walk into the town reveals all manner of charms from historical sites and art to different animals. Among these attractions, since Ueno Zoo welcomed its first panda in 1972, Pandas have become a symbol synonymous with Ueno and captured the hearts of countless visitors. If you look carefully, images of pandas can be seen everywhere, both inside the station and around the town. Exploring the town while searching for pandas is one way to enjoy Ueno.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
1948年3月、まだ戦後の混乱が残る上野公園前にあんみつ屋として創業した「あんみつ みはし」。店名の「みはし」は、創業時のこの地の町名が由来となっています。上野広小路一帯が東叡山寛永寺の領地だった頃に、寛永寺への参道を不忍池からの川が横切り、3つの橋が架かっていたことから、三橋(みはし)という町名になったそうです。戦後まもない東京は、農業生産力も低下して、食糧不足が深刻な時期でした。食糧管理法や配給統制法により、砂糖や小豆の入手に大変苦労したそうで、その分、お汁粉やあんみつは大いに喜ばれ、お店は大繁盛だったそうです。看板商品の白玉クリームあんみつは、北海道十勝地方の良質な小豆を使って作られた餡と、さらりとした甘さの蜜に、さっぱりとしたミルクのやさしいソフトクリームが相性抜群。上野・御徒町を散策した後は、みはしの甘味でほっとひと時。時代を経ても愛され続けています。
Anmitsu Mihashi opened in front of Ueno Park as a store selling anmitsu (a traditional Japanese dessert made from agar jelly, azuki bean paste and other ingredients) in March 1948, when Japan was still affected by the post-war chaos. The “Mihashi” in the store name is derived from the name of the town in the area when the store opened. Back when part of the Uenohirokoji area comprised the grounds of the Toeizan Kanei-ji Temple, the approach to the temple was intersected by a river flowing from the Shinobazu Pond, and since three bridges were erected over the river, the town was named Mihashi (literally, “three bridges”). Soon after the war, Tokyo underwent a period where agricultural production declined and food shortages became serious. Due to the Staple Food Control Act and Distribution Control Act, it became extremely difficult to obtain sugar and azuki beans. In part due to this, people delighted in the shiruko (sweet red-bean soup with mochi) and anmitsu on offer, and the shop did great business. Shiratama (rice flour dumpling) Cream Anmitsu, the store’s signature product, perfectly blends a bean jam made with high quality azuki beans from the Tokachi region in Hokkaido together with a smooth and sweet syrup and a gentle, soft cream from refreshing milk. After taking a walk around Ueno and Okachimachi, take a moment to recharge with the sweet taste of Mihashi. The store continues to enjoy a devoted following that transcends time..
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
Shibuya Station opened in 1885 as a stop on the Nippon Railway Shinagawa Line (part of the present-day Yamanote Line) that linked Akabane and Shinagawa. After the Great Kanto Earthquake, residential areas expanded out to the west side of the Yamanote Line. Two new lines serving the station opened, namely the Tokyu Toyoko Line and Inokashira Line opened, and Shibuya Station became a large terminal station. It was around this time that Hachi, the dog that was the model for the “Loyal Dog Hachiko” statue that has become a famous meeting place around Shibuya Station, appeared at Shibuya Station. The story of the dog, who continued to await its master’s return at the Shibuya Station ticket gates even after the man had passed away, is today known around the world. At the time, Hachiko continued to be so popular that souvenirs such as Hachiko senbei (baked rice crackers) and Hachiko chocolate would be sold around Shibuya Station, and finally the first “Loyal Dog Hachiko” was constructed near the Shibuya Station ticket gates. At the time, it was unprecedented for a statue to be created while its subject was still alive. The first Hachiko statue was removed and broken up for its metal during the Second World War. The current statue is the second one, constructed in 1948. In 2013, mutual track sharing between five private railways commenced, and Shibuya Station looks set to develop even further in the future. What’s more, the town of Shibuya continues to be at the forefront of the latest information and culture. This figure recreates the “Loyal Dog Hachiko,” which has continued to watch over the ever-changing Shibuya for many years. Try arranging your own meeting in front of Hachiko before enjoying all that Shibuya has to offer.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
Akihabara Station opened in 1890 as a freight station known as Akihabara Freight Terminal, and has since developed as a transportation node that intersects with the Yamanote and Sobu lines. This figure depicts the elevated tracks that connect Akihabara Station with Ochanomizu Station as well as Electric Town. Akihabara Station was an elevated station created using what were then cutting-edge technologies. Former military radio operators who had been demobilized after World War II began to operate street stalls for radio components and other goods under these elevated tracks, and these stalls are regarded as one of the predecessors to Electric Town, as it is known today. This is how the elevated bridge and Electric Town are related. With the passing of time, Akihabara has continued to give rise to new elements of culture, such as maid cafes, the AKB Theater and the Gundam Cafe. Meanwhile, if you ventured in the direction of Sudachō you could get a vivid sense of the chic culture of Kanda, or stray towards Okachimachi to enjoy creative facilities such as 2k540. Just as the station features grade-separated crossings of various lines, Akihabara is also a center of broad culture that links different times. As an aside, a meeting room in JR Akihabara Station is the revered home of a branch shrine of the Akiba Shrine, known as the god of protection from fires. The area around present-day Akihabara was often the source of major fires during the Edo period, and a location inside the current station building stands atop the remains of where the Chinka Shrine (meaning “Fire Extinguishing Shrine,” later named the “Akiba Shrine”) was erected. While the station building contains a wide range of facilities, the fact that it also hosts a shrine is quite a surprise!
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
1872年、当時の新橋駅から横浜駅(現桜木町駅)の間を結ぶ、日本で初めての鉄道路線が誕生しました。この初代新橋駅は、現在のJR新橋駅から徒歩5分ほど離れたところに建てられていたもので、現在は「旧新橋停車場 歴史展示室」として、当時の建物が再現されています。初代新橋駅は、1914年に東京駅が開業するまで、東海道本線の始発駅として重要な役割を担ってきました。東京駅開業後は、東京駅の場所に合わせて東海道本線のルートを変える必要があり、それまで烏森駅として使用されていた駅を改めて新橋駅とし、これが現在まで続く2代目新橋駅の誕生となりました。このフィギュアのモチーフである新橋駅SL広場のSL(C11蒸気機関車C11-292)は、鉄道開業100周年を記念して1972年にJR新橋駅前に設置されたものです。1945年2月から山陽本線など、主に中国地方で活躍し、走行距離はなんと100万kmを超えるという機関車だそうです。新橋駅SL広場といえば、多くのビジネスマンが行き交いますが、このSLもそんなビジネスマンのように働き者でした。さて、新橋駅周辺は、老舗から新しい話題のお店まで、ビジネスマンたちの舌をうならせる名店がいっぱいです。銀座を通り、名店をたどって歩けば、あっという間に隣駅の有楽町まで歩けてしまいます。ぜひ訪れてみてください。
In 1872 Japan’s first railway line opened, linking what was then Shimbashi Station to Yokohama Station (the present-day Sakuragi-cho Station). The original Shimbashi Station was constructed about five minutes’ walk from where the current JR Shimbashi Station stands, and today the building from that time has been recreated as the Old Shimbashi Station Railway History Exhibition Hall. The original Shimbashi Statin played an important role as the starting station of the Tokaido Main Line until Tokyo Station opened in 1914. After Tokyo Station opened, the Tokaido Main Line route needed to be changed to accommodate the location of Tokyo Station, and what had been used until then as Karasumori Station was re-christened Shimbashi Station, marking the birth of the second-generation Shimbashi Station which has continued to this day. The SL (C11 Steam Locomotive C11-292) of Shimbashi Station SL Square, the motif for this figure, was erected in front of JR Shimbashi Station to mark the 100th anniversary of the railway. The locomotive is said to have run more than a million kilometers during its period of service, primarily in the Chugoku region along the Sanyo Main Line and elsewhere. While Shimbashi Station SL Square is known for its many crisscrossing businessmen, this steam locomotive was just as hard a worker. The area around Shimbashi Station is full of establishments that delight the taste buds of businessmen, from long-established restaurants to the latest talking points. If you walk through Ginza following the trail of famous stores, before you know it you will have arrived at the adjacent station of Yurakucho. Pay the station a visit to enjoy everything it has to offer.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種
山手線沿線の名所、物産、人物、文化… バラエティ豊かな“山手線名物”を手のひらサイズのフィギュアにしました。
“YAMANOTESEN SANPO FIGURE MIYAGE” is the miniature figures of famous institutions in the area around JR Yamanote Line!
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年2月12日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全6種