Suzuhiro Kamaboko is a well-established store based in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture which boasts a 150-year history. Many of the store's artisans hold national qualifications as certified skilled workers in fishery paste production who have inherited the craftsmanship involved in kamaboko (Japanese fish cake) production. Suzuhiro Kamaboko has also established an in-house "Fish Paste Protein Research Institute " and actively introduces cutting-edge technologies. Under the company policy of " an old store, yet not an old store" Suzuhiro has continued to evolve, and its kamaboko, which contain no chemical seasonings, have won the support of many fans.
Lake Ashi exuded a strong presence at strategic traffic points along the Tokaido Road and at the Hakone Checkpoint. Lake Ashi takes its name from the extensive ashi (common reed) growing along its shores, and its renowned for the blueness of its mysterious water, expressed by author Ryotaro Shiba as "the color of the robes worn by the spirit of the Hakone Gongen shrine. " The Ashinoko Onsen (hot springs), created in 1966 by drawing spring water from the Yunohanazawa Onsen, has made the area popular with tourists by offering a view of both Lake Ashi and Mount Fuji from the lodgings.
「江ノ電」の愛称で呼ばれる「江ノ島電鉄」は東海道の藤沢を起点に鎌倉を結ぶ路線。 「極楽寺駅」「鎌倉高校前駅」など、関東の駅100選に入った風光明媚な駅も見逃せない。100年以上の歴史があり、1両運行の頃は「タンコロ」の愛称で親しまれていた。新型になっても懐かしさの残る車両は、地元住人と観光客から愛されている。
The Enoshima Electric Railway, fondly referred to as the "Enoden," is a line connecting Kamakura to its starting point at Fujisawa on the Tokaido route. Must-see stops along the line include Gokurakuji Station and Kamakurakokomae Station, both of which figure among the "100 Top Stations in the Kanto Region" for their scenic beauty. The Enoden's history spans more than a century, and when the line was first operated by a single electric car, the vehicle came to be known as "Tankoro" (literally "lone runner" ). Even with the introduction of new models, Tankoro holds a nostalgic place in the hearts of local residents and tourists.
Located on the grounds of the Kotokuin Temple, the "Great Buddha of Kamakura," as it is commonly known, is the only large statue of Buddha to be designated a National Treasure in Kamakura. Casting of the Great Buddha was begun in 1252. The enormous structure stands at a height of 11.31 meters (or 13.35 meters including the base), and weighs 121 tons. At the time of its completion, it was enshrined within a Great Buddha Hall, but the hall collapsed due to earthquakes and other disasters, and the Great Buddha today sits in the open air. The Great Buddha is also known for its beautiful facial features, described as "handsome" in a poem by Akiko Yosano inscribed to the side of the statue.
The town of Kanayasakamachi in Shizuoka Prefecture was a post town along the old Tokaido Road. Walking along the stone-paved road that survives as a remnant of the time, one can enjoy the expanse of tea plantations that spreads forth. Around the "eighty-eighth day as summer draws near" (Beginning of May) referred to in the Japanese children's song Chatsumi ( "Tea Plucking" ), visitors can not only enjoy the plantation but also the sight of tea being plucked. From the end of April to early June, which includes the eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring, various locations including Kanayasakamachi offer tea plucking experiences that have proved popular with visitors.
The Kurofune ( "Black Ships" ) Train refers to the Resort 21 train operated by Izukyu Corporation which was painted to resemble the black ships that arrived at Shimoda. Usually the train operates as a local service between Atami and Izukyu Shimoda stations, but can also enter the JR Tokaido Main Line. Popular for panorama seats lined up facing the ocean and an observation cars, the interior of the train displays historical information on the black ships and Shimoda.
Preserved at Mikasa Park in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture is Mikasa, the world's oldest existing iron battleship. The warship was commissioned by the Japanese Navy and built at the Vickers Shipyard in England, where it was completed in 1902. Mikasa was incorporated into the Imperial Japanese Navy's Combined Fleet where it carried the fleet's Commander-in-Chief Togo Heihachiro as flagship and made significant contributions to victory during the Russo-Japanese War. Although its guns and other armaments were removed after the Pacific War, it was restored in 1961. The Mikasa Preservation Society has been entrusted by the Japanese government with its management and operation.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2019年4月17日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全7種