The Ryukyu Dynasty began with the unification of Ryukyu in 1429 by Sho Hashi. Though several castles throughout the Ryukyu Kingdom are registered as Cultural Heritages, the royal Shuri castle was the most important, serving as the center of politics, diplomacy and culture. The unique architecture incorporates influences from China and mainland Japan, and is highly regarded historically and culturally. Shureimon gate is the second gate of Shuri castle. Originally constructed in the 16th century. Shuri castle has been burnt down several times over history, and was destroyed during the battle of Okinawa, however was rebuilt to its current majestic glory in 1992.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Shisa are guardians of houses in Okinawa and have become widely known as a symbol of Okinawa. Adapted from Chinese guardian lions, they were originally a symbol of power, and only allowed to be used in special places such as castle gates, temples and shrines. In time they spread to the villages, serving as guardian spirits that ward evil from each household. Shisa come in many shapes, colors and designs, from the plaster Shisa of the red tile roof lined Shuri area, to porcelain Shisa in villages known for pottery, and even Shisa made from shells in some fishing villages on outlying islands. Enjoy comparing the different Shisa as you travel around Okinawa.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
大きいものは10mを超える現生で最大級の魚類。熱帯から亜熱帯の暖かい海を回遊し、沖縄近海でもしばしば目撃される。巨大な見た目とサメという名前のイメージとは反対に、ダイバーが近づいても襲ったり逃げたりしない穏和なサメである。生態はほとんど解明されていないが、寿命は 60〜70年といわれており、100年以上生きるという説もある。大きな体に似合わず、主食は動物プランクトンや小魚など。ジンベエザメの周囲には鰹の餌となる小魚の群れが集まってくるため、昔から「ジンベエザメが出ると鰹が大漁」と言われ、漁師たちにとって福の神とされている。
Growing to over 10m in length, the whale shark is the largest living fish. A common sight around Okinawa, whale sharks migrate the warms waters of the tropical and sub-tropical oceans. Contrary to their name and great size, whale sharks are a tranquil species that do not attack or flee when approached by divers. While their biology remains largely a mystery, they are said to have a life span of 60-70 years, and some may even live to 100 years. Whale sharks feeds on mainly zooplankton and small fish. Because the schools of small fish which become the bait of bonitos follows whale sharks, it is said that ‘when the whale shark appears, it will be a big catch of bonitos’. Therefore fishermans think of it as the God of Fortune.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Water buffalo carriages are a popular tourist attraction on the outlying islands of Okinawa. Especially, the image of water buffalo carriages crossing the ford to Yubu island is famous, and it has become a symbol of Japan’s southern islands. Lying just 400m to the east of Iriomote Island, Yubu Island is small enough to walk around in an hour. At high tide the ford between the islands floods to around 1m, and can be crossed on foot during low tide. However, it is highly recommended to cross by water buffalo carriage. Soak in the atmosphere of the southern islands during the slow crossing with the sea wind in your hair and sound of local elders playing the ‘Sanshin’.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
‘Soki’ refers to pork ribs. Soki-soba is known for its light pork and bonito broth and distinctly thick, firm noodles. The people of Okinawa often refer to Soki-Soba or Okinawa-Soba simply as ‘Suba’. An indispensible condiment for ‘Suba’ is ‘Ko-re-gu-su’, a fiery concoction of chili peppers pickled in local Awamori liquor, and found on the tables of most eateries in Okinawa. Jushi, a kind of Okinawan pilaf, is a common home-cooked meal that can also be bought at eateries and convenience stores around the archipelago. While the ingredients and flavoring varies, like ‘Suba’ it is eaten frequently around Okinawa.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Iriomote island in the Yaeyama Chain lies around 460km west of the main island of Okinawa, and is home to some 15 protected species which live in the bountiful virgin forest and waterways covering 90% of the island. The Iriomote cat, a species endemic to the island, is designated as a special natural treasure. Characterized by round ears, a white border around its eyes, and stout tail, only around 100 survive today. The Iriomote cat is said to be a miracle that they survived on an island with so few small mammals to prey on, and have developed ways to survive in the unique island environment such as hunting insects and aquatic animals and swimming in rivers.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
メンバー全員、沖縄県石垣島出身。1990年『恋しくて』でデビュー。その後も順調にシングル・アルバムのリリースを重ね、ツアーやイベントなど数多くのステージをこなし、日本屈指のライブバンドとしての位置を確立した。2000年にBEGINとして発表した『涙そうそう』は、多数の音楽家により世界各地でカバーされ、現在でも歌い継がれる楽曲となっている。2003年に考案した、世界一簡単に弾き語りができる四弦楽器 『一五一会』が注目を集めるなど、自らの信じた音楽活動を展開。ブルースから島唄まで、幅広い音楽性と温かいサウンドで多くのファンを魅了し続ける。
All members of this popular Japanese band grew up together on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa prefecture. Since their debut hit ‘Koishikute’ in 1990, BEGIN have built a legacy as one of Japan’s top live acts, releasing numerous singles and albums and touring events and stages around the country. Their 2000 hit ‘Nada-soso’ has been covered by musicians all over the world, and remains a hugely popular song. They have blazed their own path as musicians, even developing the world’s easiest four string instrument to sing along to, called ‘Ichigo-Ichie’ in 2003. BEGIN continue to gain fans of their warm, wide ranging sound that covers genres from blues to traditional island influences.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Eisa is a traditional Okinawan performing art and is a so-called Bon festival dance to greet the spirits of ancestors. Each year around the time of Kyubon (the Bon festival according to the lunar calendar), the sound of beating drums echoing throughout various parts of Okinawa is a seasonal tradition in the summer. While eisa formations vary by region, they generally comprise several dozen young male and female participants, including a leader, drummers, dancers, jiute (singers) and chondara (clowns), and their splendid and perfectly coordinated dance offers a spectacular sight for those looking on.
As well as traditional regional events, famous Okinawan events including the All-Okinawa Eisa Festival and the 10,000 Eisa Dance Parade held on Kokusai-dori street attract a large number of visitors each year. What’s more, eisa festivals are also held throughout Japan.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Known by his alias Kanmuriwashi (Fierce Eagle), Yoko Gushiken is a legendary boxer from Ishigaki Island. Gushiken defended his WBA Light Flyweight Championship in thirteen consecutive times and has accomplished the feat of breaking the record number of consecutive defenses of a world title for a Japanese boxer. In 2015, Gushiken was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, which recognizes distinguished fighters in the world of boxing. He was made the first honorary citizen of Ishigaki City, and a bronze statue depicting Gushiken wearing his championship belt has been erected at the Rito Terminal of Ishigaki Port. He is truly a hero of Ishigaki Island.
This time we have produced an original figure that portrays the belt-wearing champion in the image of his mischievous character that has become a familiar sight on television programs and elsewhere.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
As its name suggests, the coconut crab is a type of hermit crab that looks different from ordinary crabs. It can weigh as much as 4 kg. The coconut crab is the largest crustacean living ashore. It is said to live for 50 years. The nocturnal crustacean can be found in places such as the islands of Okinawa, the Miyako Islands, and the Yaeyama Islands. The coconut crab can be seen in forests or on the streets, although its population has recently declined.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
Chinsuko is a unique, traditional Okinawan baked confection that is simply made from wheat flour, sugar, and lard. Its origin can be traced back to the time of the Ryukyu Dynasty. With its well-known yellow package bearing a red sailing boat, Arakaki Chinsuko has inherited the original taste and tradition of the historical sweets.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種
沖縄の名所、物産、文化… バラエティ豊かな“沖縄名物”を手のひらサイズのフィギュアにしました。
“OKINAWA FIGURE MIYAGE” is the miniature figures of famous Okinawa institutions!
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂
価格:シーズン3より1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全11種