Kiyomizu Temple, officially known as Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera, is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Kyoto. Taking its name from a waterfall in its grounds fed from a clear spring at the foot of Mt. Otowa, the temple known as the ‘Deity of Kiyomizu’ has garnered a wide and loyal following since founding in 778. The current main hall, reconstructed in 1633, is designated as a national treasure. Below the windows of the main hall can be found scratch marks known as ‘Benkei-no-kizuato’, which were created over the years by pilgrims feeling their way to the temple in the dark of night. They are a testimony to the special place held by the temple in the hearts the populace. ‘Kiyomizu-no-butai’ (Kiyomizu Stage) is an elevated platform around four stories high built on the steep hillside using giant zelkova pillars in ‘Kakuzukuri’ style without nails. Decked with 410 hinoki cypress planks lain side by side, the stage has been used since the Heian period to dedicate Gagaku, Noh, Kabuki, Sumo, and other performances to the Kannon deity.
本来の清水寺は、清水山(音羽山)中腹に建てられたため、周りは樹木で生い茂っている。皆が思い浮かべるであろう「清水寺」の情景を再現したかったため、造型の際アレンジを加えた。原型制作:村田 明玄
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
日本独自の文化である「茶道」。京都は、茶道が花開いた土地であり、今も多くの流派の宗家が存在する茶道と縁の深い地である。現在の茶道の原型は、千利休の「侘茶」である。侘茶は、いわゆる「わび・さび」を追求することにより華美な装飾など無駄をすべて省き、それまでの華やかで高級な中国茶器などではなく、竹を割って作った花器や国産の茶器や釜などを使用した。それは、焼物、漆器、指物、石工に至るまで日本の工芸文化の発展に大きな影響を与えた。茶道には数多くの流派があるが、現在の主流は表千家・裏千家・武者小路千家の『三千家』。利休の孫の千宗旦がそれぞれ息子たちに興させた流派で、どれも利休の侘茶の教えを踏襲しているが、茶の点て方や道具、所作にそれぞれの特徴がある。現在の最大流派である裏千家は、茶筅は白竹、薄茶はよく泡立てるのが特徴である。また、三千家の家元が使う茶道具は 「千家十職」といわれる代々伝統を受け継いできた最高峰の職人にのみ制作が許されている。
The Japanese tea ceremony, or ‘Sado’, blossomed in Kyoto, and remains deeply connected to the region. Sen no Rikyu, the father of modern day Sado, developed ‘Wabi-cha’ based on the minimalistic ‘Wabi-Sabi’ aesthetic shunning extravagance and trading ornate Chinese implements for more rustic domestic utensils and kettles. This in turn spurred the development of crafts such as pottery, lacquer-ware, joinery, and stonework in Japan. Today there are many schools of Sado, centered on the three families descended from Sen no Rikyu of ‘Urasenke’, ‘Omotesenke’, and ‘Mushanokojisenke’. The three families are called ‘Sansenke’. Each school has its unique implements, methods and protocol, with the most popular school, Urasenke, using a white bamboo whisk to whisk thin tea to a creamy texture. Tea masters of the Sansenke use utensils made exclusively by ‘Senke-Jisshoku’; the ten highly skilled craftspeople who have inherited traditions through the generations.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
Maiko are apprentice Geisha (known as ‘Geiko’ in Kyoto) who spend about 5 years training under a senior Geisha, learning the arts and protocol to entertain and attend to guests at banquets. While fully fledged Geisha adorn wigs, Maiko have their hair tied up in elaborate styles. They also wear a different floral hairpin each month, decorated with in-season flowers. A small bouquet on the hairpin identifies new Maiko. In the first year of apprenticeship, Maiko only wear lipstick on their lower lip. ‘Darari no obi’, a special obi for Maiko, is over 5m long, requiring great strength to tie: A job traditionally done by men called ‘Otokoshi’. There are 5 ‘Kagai’ (literally means ‘Flower Town’) Geisha districts in Kyoto: Gion-kobu, Gion-higashi, Miyagawa-cho, Ponto-cho, and Kamishichiken. It is not uncommon to see Maiko leaving their dwelling ‘okiya’ for work in the evenings there. As Maiko only venture out at night, anyone dressed such during the day is sure to be a tourist dressing as a Maiko.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
After disembarking from the Shinkansen at Kyoto Station, the first landmark that comes into view outside Karasuma Exit is Kyoto Tower. Standing atop a 9-story building, the tower resembles a lighthouse shining the wave-like tiled roofs of landlocked Kyoto City. The tower is not only distinguished by its unique form, but the fact that it is constructed without any metal framework, using only special steel rings stacked on top of each other. Safety is proven by the fact that it has survived numerous natural disasters unscathed. The observation platform around 100m up provides a remarkable view of Kyoto’s grid-like streets, with central Osaka visible in the distance on clear days. Conversely, as there are no other tall buildings in Kyoto, the tower is clearly visible even from the Arashiyama district. The tower is lit up at night, revealing a different beauty from the daytime. The Kyoto Tower has become a cherished symbol of the old capital.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
Kyoto cuisine could not exist without the city’s traditional vegetables. Having prospered as the nation’s capital, Kyoto was the center to which a rich variety of food was brought from around the country. The high-quality vegetables that were brought to Kyoto took root in the city, blessed as it was with clean water and rich soil. Owing also to the location far from the sea and to the development of ‘Shojin ryori’ (Buddhist food) at temples, these vegetables became what we now know as ‘Kyo-Yasai’. ‘Kamo-nasu’, known as the ‘queen of eggplants’, are used in many Kyoto dishes. Senmaizuke, a famous Kyoto winter specialty, is made by marinating thin slices of ‘Shogoin Turnip’. Manganji chili peppers originate in the Manganji area of Maizuru City, and grow to a whopping 15cm. Though technically a chili, the vibrant green fruit are not spicy, but rather sweet. Kyo-yasai evolved with the ancient capital, and through time catered for not only 'Kaiseki ryori' dishes of high-class restaurant but also ‘Obanzai’ (traditional home style disies of Kyoto).
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
Ito Jakuchu is a well renowned brilliant artist from the mid-Edo period. He was the eldest son of a vegetable wholesaler in the lively Nishiki-koji area, known to this day as the ‘Pantry of Kyoto’. Heir to a prosperous merchant family, Jakuchu showed little interest in business, and took up the Kano style of painting on the side. At the age of 40 he left the family business to his younger brother and devoted himself to painting. Jakuchu kept several dozen chickens in his garden which he observed constantly. Through his grasp of their ‘life spirit’, he was able to depict the ‘life spirit’ of other animals too. In 1758 he began work on his masterpiece ‘Doshoku Sai-e’(Colorful Realm of Living Beings), which took 10 years to complete. The color painting of plants and animals is comprised of 30 hanging scrolls, 23 of which feature birds, mainly chickens. The Himawari Yukeizu is one of these scrolls.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
Its actual name is kitayama Rokuon-ji and it’s a Zen Buddhist temple belonging to the Rinzai Shokoku-ji school. The villa Kitayama-dono, built in 1397 by the 3rd shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, was renamed Rokuon-ji after his death. The gardens and architecture, including the Golden Pavilion, were said to embody the Amitabha’s Pure Land in this world and became the center of the Kitayama culture as the Muromachi shogunate conducted lucrative trade with the Ming. It was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site in 1994.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
Its actual name is Higashiyama Jisho-ji and it’s a Zen Buddhist temple belonging to the Rinzai Shokoku-ji school. Following in the footsteps of the 3rd shogun Yoshimitsu, his grandfather, Yoshimasa constructed the villa Higashiyama-dono, which later became the Ginkaku-ji, for his secluded retirement. This is where the Higashiyama culture originated and it is the starting point for early-modern life and culture in Japan. It was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site in 1994.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む
京都の名所、物産、文化… バラエティ豊かな“京都名物”を手のひらサイズのフィギュアにしました。
“KYOTO FIGURE MIYAGE” is the miniature figures of famous Kyoto institutions!
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2018年9月13日 / 価格:1回 500円(税込) / 種類:全9種 ※スペシャルレアカラー含む