坂本龍馬は1835年(天保6年)、高知城下(現在の上町)に生まれた。2015年で生誕180年を迎えるが、今なお人々を魅了し、多くの龍馬ファンが高知を訪れる。高知県内には数々の龍馬縁の地があるが、中でも桂浜に立つ「坂本龍馬像」は龍馬ファンの「聖地」である。 この像には、『建設者 高知県青年』と記されており、資金を集め建立したのは当時まだ学生だった高知出身の若者たちであった。また、第二次世界大戦中、金属供出で全国の銅像が消滅する中この像は奇跡的に免れた。それは龍馬が海軍の創始者だからだといわれている。銅像になってなお逸話を残す、さすがは坂本龍馬である。
Sakamoto Ryoma is one of the most famous people in Japanese history. He is an influential figure in the Meiji Restoration, the great reform that marked the end of the Tokugawa Bakufu (shogunate) era, of Japan opening its doors to the outside world and taking its first steps towards becoming a modern nation. Ryoma is popular as a hero of this so-called Bakumatsu period, and numerous works including novels and movies have been made about him. Sakamoto Ryoma was born in 1835, in Kochi Prefecture. 2015 marks the 180th anniversary of his birth; but even now he continues to fascinate people, and many Ryoma fans continue to visit Kochi. There are numerous spots within Kochi Prefecture that have ties to Ryoma, but the most famous amongst them all is the statue of him that stands in Katsurahama. It can be seen in Kochi just how much Ryoma is loved, even with the passage of time since his death.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
Kochi Castle, renowned as a famous castle with over a 400-year history, is one of Kochi’s representative sightseeing spots. It was constructed by Yamauchi Katsutoyo — who entered the province (then called Tosa) in 1601 as the first feudal ruler of the Tosa domain— and completed in 1611. (It was later destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1753.) 15 of the castle’s buildings, including the tenshu (keep), are designated as Important Japanese Cultural Assets. In particular, the honmaru (innermost ring of defence), including the tenshu, palace, and other buildings, have remained intact right up to the present day, without suffering loss or destruction by fire or war, and in the same state as they have since the Edo Period. Kochi castle is the only castle in Japan to retain all of these buildings in their original state. The castle was originally named Kochiyama Castle, which are said to be the origin of the modern day name of Kochi.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
When visiting Kochi, the dish that you should definitely try eating is “Katsuo-no-Tataki” (seared bonito). Citizens of Kochi adore bonito, and the prefecture consumes more of the fish per year than any other part of Japan by far. Aside from the fact that outstandingly fresh bonito can be caught in the sea of the coast of Kochi itself, the tastiest bonito is gathered in Kochi from all over Japan.The signature way to eat bonito in Kochi—the original home of “Katsuo-no-Tataki”—is “Warayaki” (grilling over a straw fire). The meaning of “Tataki” is to sear the surface of the sliced bonito over a flame. “Warayaki” is an exquisite dish that has the smoky aroma of the straw and the crisp texture of the spicy-smoked skin. The authentic Kochi way to enjoy the dish is to eat it dressed with a sauce made using special Kochi-grown yuzu (Japanese citrus fruits) and other seasonings.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
The “Nitari-Kujira”, or Bryde's whale, is a species of baleen whale. It is sometimes also called “the lady of the sea” because of its slender body shape and calm demeanor. It was originally thought to be the same species as the sei whale ("Iwashi-Kujira" in Japanese) but was later found to be a different species. Because there are many cases in which it is found together with shoals of bonito in chase of anchovies it is used as a sign for bonito fishing, is sung of in the Kochi folk song "Yosakoi-bushi" as “the fish that spouts water”, and has been familiar amongst the people of Kochi since olden times.Kochi is the only prefecture in Japan where you can enjoy whale watching that specifically targets Bryde’s whales. Bryde’s whales typically live migratory lifestyles, but it has been determined through investigations in recent years that there are also some Bryde’s whales which have taken up fixed residence in Tosa Bay.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
The original starting point of the Yosakoi events that are now held all around Japan is Kochi’s Yosakoi Festival. The festival has become a firm feature of the Kochi summertime, in which the streets are immersed completely in the atmosphere of Yosakoi, large numbers of Yosakoi fans gather from all over Japan, and around 200 teams —made up of around 20,000 dancers— parade through the city streets.A "naruko" is a must-have item for participating in the Yosakoi Festival. As they dance, the dancers clack the naruko which they hold one in each hand together in time with their dancing. There are only two simple rules: that the dancers must move forwards while clapping their naruko, and that they must insert a naruko dance phrase into the music. Dance style, costumes and music are all unrestricted by genre or style, and the great attraction of Yosakoi Festival is to be able to enjoy watching each group perform an entirely different Yosakoi dance.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
「はりまや橋」の由来は、江戸時代初期、高知城下の堀川を挟んで商いをしていた「播磨屋」と「櫃屋」が行き来するために架けた私設の橋だといわれている。高知県民謡として古くから伝わる『よさこい節』で「土佐の高知のはりまや橋で 坊さんかんざし買うを見た よさこい よさこい」と歌われており、全国的に名が知られている。現在の朱塗りの橋は、江戸の頃の姿をイメージしてデザインされたものだそう。また、実は「はりまや橋」は他に2つあり、1つは、すぐ横の国道が通っている石造りの「はりまや橋」、もう1つは国道の向こう側に明治期の鋳鉄製の欄干の「はりまや橋」が再現されている。
The Harimaya Bridge is one of the most famous sightseeing spots in Kochi. The Bridge originated as a bridge built privately by the Harimaya and the Hitsuya, wealthy merchants who did business between the two sides of the moat at the beginning of the Edo Period, for the purpose of going backwards and forwards across the moat. Since it appears in the lyrics of "Yosakoi-bushi", the Kochi folk song that has been passed down since old times, the name of the bridge is known throughout Japan. The current vermilion-lacquered bridge was designed based on an image of how the bridge would have looked around the Edo Period. There are two other Harimaya Bridges, one of which is the stone bridge immediately to the side of it, over which runs a national highway; while the other is a restored version of the Harimaya Bridge that was used during the Meiji Period, with cast-iron railings, which is located on the other side of the highway.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
Tetsudo Hobby Train is a sightseeing train that appeared as part of a “model railway and amusement train” attraction created in 2014 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the opening of all lines of the JR Yodo Line and the 100th anniversary of the opening of the stretch of railway between the stations of Uwajima and Chikanaga. The train is a modified Kiha 32 model DMU (diesel multiple unit) railcar, the inside of which is fitted with display cases for exhibiting model railways and seats that allow for taking of commemorative photographs. The external appearance of the train is similar to the Shinkansen (bullet train), but it runs between Kubokawa and Uwajima at a leisurely pace, taking around two hours to complete the trip. After the train departs from Uwajima and passes Ekawasaki station, it runs alongside the Shimanto River, allowing passengers to view the clear-flowing waters spreading out before the train windows as they relax and enjoy their leisurely journey. In addition to this Tetsuo Hobby Train, the Shiman Torocco and Kaiyodo Hobby Train are also active on the Yodo Line; together making up the line’s so-called Three Brothers.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
In each region of Japan there are many local mascot characters. These characters are often designed using motifs based on local specialty produce or famous tourist spots and so on, in order to promote their particular area and provide an economic boost to their prefecture, town or city. Because of their “laid-back” cuteness they are also referred to as "yuru-kyara" (meaning loose or laid-back character). These "yuru-kyara" are popular with people of all ages, from children to adults.Kochi also has numerous local mascot characters, but the one that is currently gaining attention is “Katsuo Nyanko”: a kitten character who loves bonito so much that his body has become similar to that of a bonito. From the front he looks like a round-eyed pussycat, but actually has fins on his back and on the rear of his head. “Katsuo Nyanko” is currently taking an active role in PR activities for Kochi.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
Susan City's mascot in Kochi.He was created based on the japanese river otter,which was last seen in the Shinjo River in Susaki City, but has sadly been declared extinct. He wears a hat with the motif of Susaki's famous nabeyaki remain. He travels beyond the region, appears on TV and makes overseas business trips to promote the appeal of Susaki City.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
kuroshiokun was created as Kochi's mascot to express a cheerful and active image, with the motif of the kuroshio current flowing off Tosa Bay. After participating in events such as "Yosakoi Kochi Kokutai" and "Hana Hito Tosa Deai haiku", KUROSHIOKUN has played an active role in events both within the region as wells outside of the prefecture. Even today ha continues to promote Kochi throughout the prefecture.
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種
高知の名所、物産、文化… バラエティ豊かな“高知名物”を手のひらサイズのフィギュアにしました。
“KOCHI FIGURE MIYAGE” is the miniature figures of famous Kochi institutions!
造形企画製作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日: 2015年9月18日(一部先行発売 2015年8月8日) ※SEASON2(しんじょう君・くろしおくん):2017年11月8日 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全9種