2016年3月、新青森~新函館北斗間を結ぶ「北海道新幹線」が開業。東北新幹線と共通イメージの「常盤グリーン」に、ライラック、ルピナス、ラベンダーを想起させる「彩香パープル」のラインが入ったボディカラーが特徴。H5系新幹線は、東北新幹線との直通運転を考慮し、基本仕様はJR東日本のE5系と同様である。北海道新幹線区間の営業最高速度は260 km/hで、東京〜新函館北斗間を最速4時間2分で結ぶ(開業時)。この北海道新幹線開業により、北海道・本州・九州までが新幹線で結ばれることになる。
The Hokkaido Shinkansen Line (The Hokkaido Bullet Train Line) connecting Shin-Aomori and Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto will start service in March 2016. The train is characterized by body color combination of “Tokiwa” green, which is the shared look of the Tohoku Shinkansen, and the “Saika” purple lines reminiscent of lilac, lupin, and lavender. The basic specifications of Shinkansen Series H5 are the same as those for East Japan Railway’s Shinkansen Series E5 in consideration of the direct operation with the Tohoku Shinkansen Line. Its maximum speed while in operation in the Hokkaido Shinkansen zone is 260 kilometers an hour and connects Tokyo with Shin-Hakodate Hokuto at the maximum speed in 4 hours and 2 minutes (at the time the line was opened). The shinkansen will connect Hokkaido, Honshu and Kyushu with the opening of Hokkaido Shinkansen.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
Dr. William Smith Clark, a pioneer in the development of Hokkaido, is famous for saying “Boys, be ambitious!” Everyone imitates his unique pose by raising their right hand when they stand on the Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill. This pose alludes to “the eternal truth far beyond,” and conveys Dr. Clark’s message to embrace the ambition that lies within this eternal truth. This statue was built in 1976, which marks 100 years since Dr. Clark visited Hokkaido and the 200th year of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. Dr. Clark left his position as President at Massachusetts Agricultural College in 1876 to become the first President of Sapporo Agricultural College. While he stayed for only eight months, his teachings, which focused on character building founded on Christianity and other subjects, greatly affected the exploration that took place in Hokkaido thereafter.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
Sapporo TV tower, situated at the eastern end of Odori Park in the center of the city, stands 147.2 meters tall and is one of the defining landmarks of Sapporo. It was built as a radio tower in 1957. The tower is characterized by its red body and green observatory located at the level of 90 meters from ground. It is a popular tourist destination that offers visitors a panoramic view of the city. “TV-tosan” was born in 2002 as the mascot character of Sapporo TV tower. His distinctive traits are his red body with a green knitted stomach band worn for warmth, a thin mustache, narrowed eyes and a seemingly blank expression. In fact, “TV-tosan” is not Sapporo TV tower’s official character, but he welcomes a lot of guests coming there at the TV tower entrance and participates in events. TV-tosan’s family was presented with a resident’s card from Chuo-ku, Sapporo, publicly becoming Sapporo city residents.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
White ice floes, which are a major symbol of Hokkaido in the deep cold of winter, appear in the waters near the Sea of Okhotsk around late January. The Aurora is a special sightseeing icebreaker for navigating the ice floes, allowing the people on board to enjoy a fantastic landscape of ice floes surrounding them on all sides. The ship is also used in the summer as a sightseeing vessel for touring Shiretoko. The original purpose of ice-breaking ships is to open up routes through ice-covered sea and transport people as well as objects. The Aurora utilizes the technology of the Shirase, an research and observation ship for the South Pole, advances by breaking blocks of ice with the weight of the boat. How about experiencing a scene that can only be seen aboard the Aurora, such as the blinding light created by dramatic floating ice floes, floating ice that glows red at sunset or wild animals standing still on ice floes?
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
The wooden statue of a bear is famous as the representative motif of Hokkaido. The bear in Hokkaido is the brown bear. It is Japan’s largest terrestrial animal, and lives only in Hokkaido. The Shiretoko Peninsula is one of the brown bear’s main habitats. The brown bear is omnivorous animal that eat plants such as the roots and leaves of grass and nuts, in autumn when salmon swim upstream, these bears can be seen standing on the shore alongside the river or near the river’s mouth, trying to catch and eat the trout and salmon traveling upstream. Not only the brown bear as a top-level predator, but the salmon as a prey, both are indispensable for the ecosystem in Hokkaido.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
今や北海道名物として全国的に知られるスープカレー。その大きな特徴は、「スープ」「スパイス」「具材」の3つ。一般的ないわゆる「ルーカレー」と違い、小麦粉やバターを使わないさらさらしたスープに、多彩なスパイス、チキンレッグや大きめに切られた野菜が特徴。味は店舗によって実に多様である。発祥といわれているのが札幌の『アジャンタ インドカリ店』。1976年の創業時よりスープカレーを提供し、スープカレーの礎を築いた老舗である。
Now soup curry is noted for local specialty of Hokkaido. The three characteristics of soup curry are soup, spices and ingredients. Soup curry is characterized by the variety of spices and big chunks of ingredients such as chicken legs and vegetables, all mixed together in a soft and smooth soup that made without flour and butter differently from usual curry. The taste is difference each shop, there is a huge variety of the tastes. It originates from Curry Shop “Ajanta” in Sapporo, and is now popular nationwide. This shop, which began serving soup curry since the shop was established in 1976, is an old establishment that laid the foundations for soup curry.
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
TERU(Vo)、TAKURO(G)、 HISASHI(G)、 JIRO(B)の4人からなる函館出身のロックバンド。1994年にメジャーデビューし、それ以降CDセールス、ライブ動員数など日本の音楽シーンをリードし続け、数々の金字塔を打ち立てている。1999年には、今や伝説として語られることも多い20万人を動員した「GLAY EXPO‘99 SURVIVAL」を開催し、有料ライブ単独公演としては、世界最多を記録した。(2016年2月現在)20周年のアニバーサリーイヤーである2014〜2015年には、東北最多動員数を記録した大型ライブ「GLAY EXPO」や2日間で11万人を動員した東京ドーム公演を開催。2016年、3月開業の北海道新幹線のイメージソングを手掛ける。
GLAY, a famous rock band from Hakodate, was formed by four members, TERU(Vo), TAKURO(G), HISASHI(G), JIRO(B). Major debut in 1994, Subsequently, they have reached many milestone in music activities such as sales of CD and the attendance at thair concert, and they are leading in the Japanese music scene. In 1999, "GLAY EXPO ‘99 SURVIVAL" was held, the fabulous live mobilized 20 million people in one day. It was recorded for the largest attendance in the world as solo live for a fee. The 2014-2015 year of anniversary year, was carried out Tokyo Dome performances mobilized 11 million people in two days in the Tohoku largest mobilization number as a conclusion of the recorded large live "GLAY EXPO" and 20 anniversary. In 2016, they produced the theme song of Hokkaido Shinkansen Line opened in March 2016
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種
“HOKKAIDO FIGURE MIYAGE” is the miniature figures of famous Hokkaido institutions!
造形企画制作:株式会社 海洋堂 / 発売日:2016年3月26日一部先行発売 2016年4月23日全種発売 / 価格:1回 400円(税込) / 種類:全7種